Guinness World Records adjudicator
says a Los Angeles
project laying the foundation for the tallest building west of the Mississippi
has broken the world record for the longest continuous concrete pour
after 18 hours. Adjudicator Michael
Empric says 16,208 cubic meters of concrete were poured by 5 pm IST yesterday,
beating the existing record of 16,055 cubic meters set by The Venetian hotel in
Las Vegas in 1999. The record completion
was marked by blaring horns. Empric monitored the pour overnight by smartphone
before meeting with contractors and engineers on Sunday. Sean Rossall, spokesman for the New Wilshire
Grand, says 208 trucks made more than 2,100 trips and poured 37.19 million
kilograms of concrete. The hotel is scheduled to be completed in 2016 and to
open in 2017.