February 5, 2014

Delhi Metro awarded GSF certification for efficient energy use


The Delhi Metro was awarded the prestigious Gold Standard Foundation (GSF) certification standard for using the energy efficiently on 2 February 2014.
Delhi Metro became the first ever Railway system in the world with GSF certification standard.
GSF standard certification is a globally accepted certification standard for carbon mitigation projects. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) registered for the certification standard for its energy efficiency measures undertaken in 51 stations in Phase II of the DMRC Project. All the energy efficiency measures after being verified by the GSF auditors showed that during Phase II
    the energy efficiency measures were primarily undertaken in the heating, venting and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, lighting system and other energy efficient measures of station buildings;
    the measures adopted in the HVAC system resulted in reduction in electrical energy consumption; and
    The undertaken measures lead to tremendous amount of energy savings and was more efficient than Phase I. It resulted in reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by at least 25%.
The Gold Standard certification process ensures genuine quality and like all high end products, Gold standard carbon offset carry a price premium. The UN rate for one Carbon credit, at present is 70 cents, where as Gold Standard gives 4-5 Euros. The Gold Standard registration will help DMRC to earn 7000-7500 amount of VERs (credits) per annum for next ten years. Delhi Metro is also working on other projects to get them registered under Gold Standard.
In 2008, DMRC had become the first Metro or Railway project in the world to be registered by the United Nations under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) which has enabled it to claim carbon credits.
About Carbon rating
Carbon Ratings are an important building block in the determination of pricing recommendations. Carbon Ratings measure the overall quality and likely performance of an emission reduction project. All factors that are likely to influence the projects capacity to generate CERs (or other units) are considered.
About Gold Standard Foundation
The Gold Standard is an award winning certification standard for carbon mitigation projects and is recognised internationally as the benchmark for quality and rigour in both the compliance and voluntary carbon markets. Established in 2003 by WWF, the Gold Standard is the only certification standard trusted and endorsed by more than 85 NGOs worldwide.