May 8, 2018

Q1. If you want to copy a selection of text, which button do you click ?
(1) Move
(2) Copy
(3) Duplicate
(4) Cut
(5) None of these

Q2. In word, print preview command is found under which menu ?
(1) File
(2) Tool
(3) View
(4) Edit
(5) None of these

Q3. Which of the following is a GUI device ?
(1) Keyboard
(2) Mouse
(3) OMR
(4) All
(5) None of these

Q4. PDF extension is used for ————.
(1) MS excel
(2) Photoshop
(3) Adobe Reader
(4) Page maker
(5) None of these

Q5. A computer can perform which of the following task ?
(1) Computation
(2) Communication
(3) Processing
(4) All
(5) None of these

Q6. Which of the following is operating system -
(1) Opera
(2) Android
(3) Compiler
(4) BIOS
(5) None of these

Q7. In windows explorer, control buttons are available in -
(1) Title bar
(2) Menu bar
(3) Ruler bar
(4) status bar
(5) None of these

Q8. Date and Time in a desktop are available in -
(1) Task bar
(2) My computer
(3) Recycle bin
(4) Only 2 & 3
(5) None of these

Q9. Linux is a  ________ operating system.
(1) Windows
(2) Microsoft
(3) Open-source
(4) Mac
(5) None of these

Q10. The ________ operating system does NOT have a graphical user interface.
(1)Windows XP
(2) MS-DOS
(3) Windows CE
(4) Mac OS
(5) None of these


Q1. (2) Copy
Q2. (1) File
Q3. (2) Mouse
Q4. (3) Adobe Reader
Q5. (1) Computation
Q6. (2) Android
Q7. (1) Title bar
Q8. (1) Task bar
Q9. (3) Open-source
Q10. (2) MS-DOS