January 2, 2014

National scheme for fishermen welfare to continue during 12th Plan


Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on 26 December 2013 approved the central sector scheme National Scheme of Welfare of Fishermen during the 12th Plan. The Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture has formulated the scheme.

The objectives of the scheme are:

a) Provision of basic amenities like drinking water and sanitation in fishers villages
b) Better living standards for fishers and their families,
c) Social security for active fishers and their dependants, and
d) Economic Security
Following benefits have been targeted during the twelfth plan period for the fishermen across India:
i. Additional 4600 houses per year
ii. Coverage of 3.5 lakh fishers under Saving-cum-Relief every year
iii. An additional coverage of 3 lakh fishermen under Group Accident Insurance has been set
iv. Covering 6400 fishermen per year under Training and Extension
The outlay to implement the scheme is 640 crore rupees, which involves the central outlay of 320 crorefor remaining part of the 12th Plan.
Components of the scheme are:
i. Group Accident Insurance for active fishermen
ii. Development of model fishermen village
iii. Saving-cum-Relief, and
iv. Training and Extension

The amount of assistance and compensation enhancement that has been approved by the cabinet are:
11th Plan
12th Plan
Cost of construction of house
50000 rupees per house
75000 rupees per house
Cost of construction of Tube well
30000 rupees for all States and Union Territories
35000 rupees for North Eastern States
40000 rupees for all States and Union Territories
45000 rupees for North Eastern States
Cost of construction of Community Hall
175000 rupees per hall
200000 rupees per hall
Relief under Saving cum Relief component
1800 rupees (600 rupees per month for threemonths ban period)
2700 rupees (900 rupees per month for three months ban period)
Compensation under Group Accident Personal Insurance
50000 rupees in case of partial permanent disability and 100000 rupees in case of death/total disability
100000 rupees in case of partial permanent disability and 200000 rupees in case of death / total disability
Training and Extension
Stipend at 125 rupees per day subject to maximum of 1875 rupees per participants for maximum of 15 days of honorarium to authors of handbook 15000 rupees
Honorarium for experts for preparation of manual: 5000 rupees
Workshops/seminars: 50000 rupees
Construction of training centre 30 lakh rupees
No Change
Grant in Aid to FISHCOPFED
50 Lakh rupees
No Change