1. Megalopolis concept -Jean Gottman
2. Conurbation Concept, Wrote ‘Cities in Evolution’- Patrick Geddes
3. Polar Front Theory- J. Bjerknes
4. Anticyclone term -Sir Francis Galton
5. Equilibrium Theory of tides- Issac Newton
6. Dynamic Theory of Tides- Laplace
7. Progressive Wave Theory- William Whewell
8. Canal Theory- G. B. Airy
9. Stationary Wave Theory of Tides -R. A. Harris
10. Process of Precipitation- Bergeron
11. First used the term Ecology -Tansley
12. Father of Ecology -Haeckel
13. First used the term plate -J. T Wilson
14. Coined the term Antecedent Stream -J. W. Powell
15. Classification of clouds- Luke Howard
16. Ice crystal Theory- Tor Bergeron
17. Collision-Coalesce Theory -George Simpson & Mason
18. Glacial Control Theory of Coral reef formation -Daly
19. Subsidence Theory of Coral reef formation- Darwin
20. Stand Still Theory of Coral reef- Murray
21. Concept of grade- G.K. Gilbert
22. Law of Stream number/Length- R. E. Horton
23. Location Allocation Models- P. Haggett
24. Law of Retail Gravitation- W.J. Reilly
25. Concept of Threshold & Range -B.J.L. Berry
26. Introduced the concept of Possibilism -Lucien Febvre
27. Coined “Areal Differentiation”- Hartshorne
28. General System Theory -Ludwig von Bertalanffy
29. Developed Hythergraph- G. Taylor
30. Polyconic Projection- Ferdinand Hessler
31. Globular projection- S.J. Fournier