The decadal growth in Tamil Nadu has gone up from 11.70% in 1991-2001 to 15.60% in 2001-2011. The decadal growth rate of Tamil Nadu shows a declining trend since 1961-71. However, the present increase in
growth rate in Tamil Nadu may due to increase in “in migration” of population from other States to Tamil Nadu and this could be owing to variety of factors such as industrial and economic growth leading to more opportunities in the construction services and manufacturing sectors and availability of educational opportunities in the State. However, this has to be studied separately.
It is significant to note that Kancheepuram district shows the highest decennial growth rate of 38.69% in the period 2001-2011. This district had also recorded the higher growth rate of 19.15% and 26.14% during the period 1991-2001 and 1981-1991 respectively. There are eight other districts, which show higher growth rates than the State average in 2001-2011. These are Tiruvallur (35.25%), Tiruppur (28.69%), Krishnagiri (20.67%), Coimbatore (19.06%), Madurai (17.95%), Villupuram (16.99%), Sivaganga (16.09%), and Dharmapuri (16.04%). The districts with very low growth rates in 2001-11 are The Nilgiris (-3.55%),
Chennai (7.77%), Ariyalur (8.19%), Nagapattinam (8.41%), Thanjavur (8.42%), Thiruvarur (8.43%), and Thoothukudi (9.14%). The balance sixteen districts with decadal growth ranging from 10 to 16 percent.